Who loves talking about suicide? I like to think no one actually does,except if you are a grief counsellor or involved in the cognitive or medical field. According to CBC article by Richard Handler there are over 1 million suicides happening all over the world ,and 3,500 people in Canada.
Well, i spoke to having hope for depression in one of my posts.
This time i am actually focusing on suicide.
The topic is close to my heart having family member ,and friends pass away.
I had to learn to cope with the grief and pain of what suicidal experiences had done to me.
The incredible loss I constantly felt on and off.
To know that this was a possibilty that these feelings would never go away.
Many times i had contemplated what would happen if i thought about going into this path.
Would this also help me escape my pain of living life?
Who would i hurt,betray,and alienate?
Would it solve my problem ?
I would think i would not be a burden to anyone anymore.
I found very interesting in reading Mr. Handler's article was the unique idea that suicide was considered a "savage estrangement." A suggested by Mr.Handler a unique loneliness.
Interesting, one would think that telling anyone about how or what they were going to do was a call for attention? Apparently it goes to suggest the person's suicidal act is much to belong to a movement or future afterlife.
Other Richard Handler discusses is called the "solitary suicide ";whereby one feels burdened by oneself or to other people.
Dismantling the myth that suicide is a selfish act. The act can be defined as the prison inside oneself.
Not one would say they would like to survive the outcome of their act ,but also it illustrates the courage to face the fear of death itself.
In conclusion suicide is a overwhelming feeling of isolation that the only act to lesson the burden of pain towards oneself .Hopefully finding some relief or peace whereby the individual was not able to attain while living their life.
As i sit here put my thoughts, it help me clarify certain myths of suicide. Dealing with my own anger,horror,and grief over the years to losing a family member,and friends i was trying to comprehend how i was feeling. Asking the self i had a choice to go into this direction if i really wanted to end my life.
As i dwelled on these thoughts ,i had to consider that life is worth living ,and yes challenging at times.
Telling myself not to give up. I could not allow my sense of current isolation to continue to effect my direction to move towards a more positive look at life.
Like many, i was also afraid to reach out. I decided to make that choice to pick up the phone, and ask for help or continue to suffer.
Whether it was calling a friend,a distress centre,or going to a nearby hospital there is always someone there to listen or help.
Today , i am speaking for those who feel suicidal.
Learn to ask for help.One ought not be afraid to pick up the phone and reach out to someone with a compassionate ear.
A friend mentioned to me once, never know what might be around the corner in your life.
Article "Suicide is not painless" by Richard Handler Courtesy of CBC .CA
More links and information feel free to click below.
A woman, fair of face and long of leg is standing on the G.W. Bridge
preparing to jump. "Life is no good to me!", she thinks and steels herself
for the rush of air as she plummets to her doom.
Just then, a merchant-marine shows up, screeches to a halt and hops out of
his car. "What are you doing?", he asks. She responds by saying, "Life is
awful - I'm going to end it all!"
With a look of sincerest pity, the marine says, "Listen, don't jump. I'm
about to be shipped out to the Mediterranean. Why don't you come along with
me. I'll stow you away on the ship, and when we get to the other side of
the ocean, I'll give you a little money to get started - you can start a
whole new life! All I ask in return is gratuitous sex on the trip over."
The woman considers this, thinking "A new life! - for a little sex?" Not
only would she get a new life out of the deal, but the marine IS kinda
handsome - sex won't be so bad at all.
"OK", she agreed. And with that, the marine took her to the ship and they
left port - she, stowed-away under a lifeboat.
Every day, the marine would bring her food and water and she would perform
the gratuitous sex. Everything was great. But about 10 days into the
journey across the sea, the ship's captain was walking the deck when he
heard a noise from under the lifeboat. Looking under it, he found the
beautiful woman.
"What are you doing here?", asked the captain.
"I'm sorry sir," she cried, "I'm a stow-away traveling to Europe to start
new life. I didn't mean to make a fool of you by hiding aboard your ship."
"Me?" the captain asked. "What about you?"
"What do you mean?" she asked.
To which the captain said, "This is the Staten Island Ferry."
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?
Courtesy of Chaostime.com and thejokeyard.com
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