Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Copyright Lucy Drumonde 2011.


A site foreman had ten very lazy men working for him, so one day he decided to trick them into doing some work for a change.

I've got a really easy job today for the laziest one among you, he announced. Will the laziest man please put his hand up.
Nine hands went up.
Why didn't you put your hand up? he asked the tenth man.
Too much trouble, came the reply.

While the train was waiting on a side track down in Georgia, one of the passengers walked over to a cabin near the track, in front of which sat a cracker dog, howling. The passenger asked a native why the dog was howling.

"Hookworm," said the native. "He's lazy."
"But," said the stranger, "I was not aware that the hookworm is painful."
"'Taint," responded the garrulous native.
"Why, then," the stranger queried, "should the dog howl?"
"But why does laziness make him howl?"
"Wal," said the Georgian, "that blame fool dawg is sittin' on a sand-bur, an' he's too tarnation lazy to get off, so he jes' sets thar an' howls 'cause it hurts."

"How's times?" inquired a tourist.

"Oh, pretty tolerable," responded the old native who was sitting on a stump. "I had some trees to cut down, but a cyclone come along and saved me the trouble."
"Yes, and then the lightning set fire to the brush pile and saved me the trouble of burnin' it."
"Remarkable. But what are you going to do now?"
"Oh, nothin' much. Jest waitin' for an earthquake to come along and shake the potatoes out of the ground."

Courtesy of www.,and

Thank you to all those who contributed all these these jokes, and for making the world a little better place by putting a smile on someones face:)

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