Friday, March 23, 2012


Copyright Lucy Drumonde 2012

A man was on a boat that capsized in the sea. Alhamdulillah the waves cast him up on a desert island. After months of loneliness, a beautiful colored bottle washed up on the beach. The man picked it up and caressed it, admiring its beauty, until a genie came out in a puff of smoke.

Understanding Women:

“Thank you for releasing me from my prison,” the genie said. “I grant you any wish you like. I can’t do magic, but I’m very strong and wise.”
“Wonderful,” the man said. “Build me a bridge back to my country so I can return home.”
“Oh, come on,” the genie said. “Do you have any idea what a massive engineering feat that would be? There’s not enough steel or stone in the world for that. I’m just a simple genie. Wish for something realistic.”
“Okay then,” the man said. “I wish to understand the mind of a woman.”
“Alright,” said the genie, sighing. “Did you want a suspension bridge, cable bridge, or arch bridge?”

Understanding Men:

Translated: “There is no rational thought or logic connected with it.”
Translated: “Why isn’t it already on the table?”

Not Understanding

My niece, delivering her first child, requested that her mother and I come into the labor room with her. During one violent contraction she looked up at my sister and said, "Mom, please help me. The pains are really bad."My niece then turned to me. "Maricela, please help me," she implored. "Mom doesn’t understand what I’m going through.""Honey," my sister replied, "there isn’t anything I can do."

Courtesy of: and// all those who contributed all these these jokes, and for making the world a little better place by putting a smile on someones face:)

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