As a fellow Canadian i always thought art and culture was important.
I always respected the creative intelligence of my as centers,and learned to value the culture that help me create and think objectively.
As it dismays me to see the Canadian Conservative government has cut many art grants and programs i cannot comprehend why?
I have come to understand that sure we live in tough times and there are more important issues to discuss,but the issue of our Canadian culture and our artists have always been a topic for political squander. Why does this always have to take a beating?
In the eve of the opening of the Toronto Film Festival lets realize if it was not for those who took the time and effort to create a forum for artist filmmakers there would be no outlet.
This is called the people's festival to share with the world ,and the amazing talent that has put together their art.
How is Toronto suppose to be a great centre in the world if their artists cannot even travel to share their cultural experiences with the rest of the small world
What the hell is wrong with these people? Meaning our Federal government.
Hey i am not one to go on about politics but this has hit home to me a little bit close,and i have to say artists deserve much more respect.
This is not a artist friendly town,and until more people stand up for art and culture in this town there will be a dry dock in the house meaning same old slong.
Sure we need to help other countries and people to strive for a better life and opportunity but what about those who do pledge allegiance to the Canadian flag born and raised here and want to share their creative talent with the rest of the world?
I have heard this all before for many years. Same old story.
I am sure not a conservative by any means, but i must say that this is cutting a bit thin.
Toronto has so much to give ,great culture.
Some say no culture at all ? Well wonder why?
Do artists have to suffer under this right wing government and stand for this kind of nonsense in a society which is becoming a plain as a chalk board.
As a real Toronto native,i too came from a immigrant family.
Appreciate Toronto for what it is. It has gone haywire with no real direction at all.
Cannot let our governments cut art and culture from our lives.
This helps us breath live where there is none in the first place.
Whether a professional actor ,musician or starving artist we all have something to share and give.
It is time to stop this elites view that art is a flimsy issue not important to one's intelligence and thoughts. 7 billion has been spent in a Afghan war that has not really succeeded in a positive way or has improved the situation from since it began.
As far as i know there were also art that was drawn from WW 1 AND 2 TO THE CURRENT SITUATION.
Does it mean that money spent is better to serve for war purposes i think not. I believe Canada can do better and since money is cut and money is spent to serve other purposes that could improve our people at home and in a more positive light.
I do not understand the Chaos that we as Canadians have to tolerate for a Prime Minister who thinks this issue of arts funding cuts will go under the carpet.
7 billion dollars?
Money that can be used to help many of our social programs,schools,art and culture.
To improve the life for Canadians okay and Afgans too but money that will improve and strengthan reasons for being there as peacekeepers. That is not happening at the moment.
I have no patience for one who will not even begin to understand why art and culture is important,but i can understand that they never had any in the first place.
So much for my ignorance.
So i support many of those trying to have a life or a job in the arts.
As a artist i am offended and saddened by this news only to have the same old story repeated.
Artists are not important in our society?
We are taxpayers like everyone else.
It may be ones calling or a hobby. There is always a creative person behind many things that are created and seen in many areas of work life.
If we block those minds that have great creative potential and not allow them to aceed we will not have any life cultural life at all.
What is Canadian Culture?
How is it defined?
I ask myself this question and i am still wondering where it fits in. In a society that does not flourish and encourage,support art in the first place.
Now the issue of Censorship bill, i think there are many misunderstanding that it is the viewers choice to see what they want and how they interpet it.
Who has authority to tell us what we can and cannot see?
I believe it is up to people to take responsibility on what boundaries they wish to exceed in terms of what they like or do not like,but to push their ideals onto others without any real clarification is ridiculous.
I guess if art is not important than our cultural differences will not be explored in Toronto and the rest of the world will not learn about who we are as a city.
Toronto is multicultural and yet there is so many tales to illustrate and tell.
Do not let our governments take that away from us.
We all suffer in the end and no one wins about creative art and cultural art diversity.
O h did i forget one must always have a chance to start and nuture our culture and art before it dries off in the surface.
Lucy Drumonde